Lately I have been kinda weird within my spirit. Today I posted a comment on Twitter saying
"I'm SICK of seeing (live/still) pics 4m Haiti. #nottobeanass ... I just can't take it anymore. #stopexploitingtheiragony"
just a moment ago, I realized the multi-faceted nature of this statement. Yes, I do feel as though a great deal of the distribution of these pictures to be exploitive in nature. I am not, however, so jaded that I don't see the necessity these pictures bring. In our lifetime, many of us hear the name Sally Struthers and immediately disregard her acting career and automatically recall her work with the Christian Children's Fund. Those commercials, although heartwrenching, depicted real life and the need for others to assist their fellow man. These same truths hold true for Haiti's current state.
It's true, I am sick of seeing the pictures. I also think it has something to do with the fact that I'm selfish and somehow want it to be something similar to out-of-sight-out-of-mind. Distressingly, it is not. The other side of my anger stems from my inability to assist in the way I want/would like. I just recognized my anger at not being in Haiti at this moment. I realized I'm so compelled by pictures (again, both still and video) I've seen lately to travel to Haiti and provide some assistance.
Many of you know that I am not currently working. This means I don't have a great deal of disposable income (so giving money to orgs would be tantamount to removing food I "don't have" from my cupboards), yet it also means I have a great deal of time on my hands. There has to be a way I can help. My buddy and #twitterboo (@Hollywood8881) told me I have a big heart and that I should "Just #PrayforHaiti" and she's right. Perhaps the most abundant blessing I can bestow upon these people I don't know (yet feel deeply for) would be my prayers.
I know there have been many organizations telling you the best way to assist is to open up your pocketbooks and shell out funds. Or perhaps you should text someone and have some money sent somewhere. I'm not convinced these are the best ways to appropriate our resources. Yes, there is likely some good that comes from these methods, but I don't know it to be my best recourse. *sigh* <~~ sorry, I'm not sure why I'm transitioning my twitter-speak here.
OK, I'm done ...
I can't remember where I was going with this. So, I'm done.
tell 'em why you mad, son! i feel you 100% though. i'm about to start with the haitian jokes just to break the mood.