So I was listing a lot of ways men can be nasty in my other post and I regret to say that I neglected to mention one:
No, I don't mean toilet paper in hand and utilizing it as a receptacle for all that spews forth from your nostrils. (that sounded terribly disgusting, didn't it?) I mean the man my roomie and I saw last week while we were walking down the street. He took his right pointer finger, placed it on his right nostril and blew disgusting, comet-like projectiles from his left. Mortified might not be the MOST accurate of adjectives to describe my feelings on the situation, but I'm sure you get the gist.
To add insult to injury, I was waiting for the bus the other day and there was this older African American "gentlemen." (I say older because he had gray hair and had a slight hunchback - you know, old. I say gentlemen because he was dressed with a suit and tie.) Well, Mr OldManPants was standing at the busstop with a younger lady (perhaps she was his sugarbaby, I don't know - but I digress) and she turned around to continue the conversation with an older caucasian fellow and then it happened. Mr OldManPants turned around (mind you I'm still walking toward the bus stop) and places his right pointer finger to his right nostril and (well, you know the rest). But THEN he took his left hand and wiped it across his nose and lip (can't walk around with a snotty lip, right?) and to ensure nothing was left, he took his right hand and repeated this step. *sorry, almost vomited at the thought resurfacing in my mind, let me try to continue* He then decided he hadn't done enough to defile his character nor had he shocked me completely. Just when I thought it was all over, he put his hands behind his back and wiped them on the fence behind him. I guess he realized that it wasn't all coming off, so he turned around and really SCRAPED his hand against the fence to ensure they were "clean." I'm sure you can just about imagine my wobbly legs and woozy feeling almost inducing vomit.
On the bus, he held on to the pole for dear life (*I cringe at the thought of ever touching another surface on public transportation*).
I hope I never forget this post!
I need a car!
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