12 July 2009

HOLD IT/DUH/OOPS ... *This is the last one, tonight, I promise* :-)

When I started my first blog, I mentioned how I would write it as though I was talking to family or a really good friend (ie, family). So with that being said, I had to remember that I didn't tell you guys what has happened to me in my weeks of not posting blogs ...

On Tuesday, June 23, 2009, after almost 2 years of hard work *giggle* (inside joke), my position of income-generating employment was terminated. I won't give the details because it isn't necessary, but I'm no longer there. So I'm here - in a space where many tell me I should be focusing on my dance talents ... I have no motivation - that hurts my heart.

I used to be my motivation to succeed with dance and accomplish the things I set out to achieve, but I don't currently feel that. I'm sure it's just an emotion that's bottled up somewhere within trying to get out, but it isn't showing itself. Perhaps it's tired and waiting for some sort of catalyst to bring it back to life, yet it presently hides. *sigh*

On Friday, June 26, 2009, I pulled off a great feat! Hifey's birthday was on Saturday, June 20th and I had put together a surprise birthday party for him the following Friday. With the help of others and despite the obvious attempts by the devil and his minions to sabotage my great deed, a white party was had for him - at his house. The topper, I flew in his best friend (they hadn't seen each other in about 3 years!) to add to the celebration. He was very appreciative and extremely happy - despite his lack of enthusiasm toward surprises. It was gorgeous and he deserved every bit of smile on his face that evening and several subsequent evenings.

I know this might sound a bit irresponsible given that I just lost my job only days before, but if there's one thing Hifey has taught me, it's that life is about enjoying the things you have before you. That and the fact that all the things were set in motion - obviously - before I was blindsighted with job loss.

On Tuesday, July 7, 2009, hifey and I made 6 months of happiness. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that every day is roses. I will say that we have made every day count and attempted to find those roses in as many days as we possibly can. We have a lot of things going against us and we haven't a plan to let those things deter us from our ever-developing happiness. We've made many strides in only half a year of being officially mutually-exclusive. Damnit, I love that man something sick! *giggle*

I will do my absolute best to not let so much time go by between posts from now on. I wanted to use this blog as a means of getting information out there and I was slacking. Granted, June is USUALLY and will likely forever be one of my busiest months - my birthday *typically celebrated all 30 days* and now Hifey's birthday is added to that celebration.

No excuses ... I will start posting more often ...

Ciao for Now,


  1. -Whew, what a month aye? I detest surprises, not because I am ungrateful, it's just that I'm normally in the loop of every aspect of my life. I'm very spontaneous and surprising me is like telling me that Tiffany & Co. has a sale going on. It never happens! :) I was excited to send you to New York and that trip wasn't planned to perfection like I had truly wanted it to be. My plan was to arrange for a chauffeur to transport you to and from the airport and for you to stay @ a 4-5 star hotel, BUT oh payback is a mutha. I was ambushed in my own home and photographed at my most vulnerable moments. *Sigh* It was a beautiful surprise I must say. Bravo! Bravo! You really got me good. I can say that, that moment was the absolute greatest moment of my life. Thank you and love you so very much for the time, effort and planning that you put into making this a great experience for my person. Muah! Your tears are coming next! LMAO

  2. I just want someone to do that for me one day. I could vent but this is your space so I'll respect it. I was also laid off and the one thing ppl keep saying is follow ur dreams and it was probably the best thing that could happen to me. I believe that so enjoy and follow your heart
